We cannot talk about the importance of security services enough. Unfortunately, law enforcement cannot see to every security need your home or your business has. This may require you to seek out additional reinforcements to ensure safety remains a priority for your employees or your family. Your option? Private, specialized security control with Inter State Security. We’ve been in protection services for over 35 years which has given us a chance to tailor our services to suit the environment in which we serve.
From security personnel to security equipment, we can help you.
Security Personnel
We offer a range of security personnel to suit the needs of your business, community, or property.
Uniformed Security
Unformed security act as a friendly, but the protective display on your premises.
These security guards possess a Class D Security Officer License and have undergone the required training. We encourage our security guards to attend certified self-defense classes to ensure that they are able to handle any situation they find themselves in while protecting your property.
Select Security
Our select security force consists of military law enforcement amongst highly-trained security officers with extensive experience. Their aim is to protect high-value developments and communities.
Uniformed Concierge
Uniformed concierge is positioned at the front desk of your premises to manage all incoming and outgoing traffic. Concierge is trained officers that know how to detect illicit behavior, but they also act as welcome for staff and visitors. They can take care of things for residents and serve as protection.
Plainclothes Officers
Plainclothes security is an ideal solution for loss prevention without the uniform.
This service offers the same level of protection as our uniformed officers but in a more relaxed nature. Plainclothes officers have the same training and expertise as uniformed officers and are able to anticipate any illicit behavior before they occur.
Undercover Security
Undercover security aims to uncover the truth behind behavior that is otherwise difficult to confirm or address head-on, like employee-theft.
In this way, undercover officers will position themselves in such a way to monitor employees that may try to steal from your business. Unfortunately, employee-related theft occurs more often than one is aware of and undercover security is a subtle way to weed out the dishonest ones, should you feel that something is amiss.
At Inter State Security, we offer both marked patrol and unmarked patrol.
Marked patrol acts as roving supervision for larger premises that require an obvious security presence. This can help in settings such as clubhouses and playgrounds and offers protection against illegally parked vehicles, or other disturbances like speeders.
Unmarked patrol offers a low-profile security presence by the same licensed officers as our marked patrol. This gives us the advantage over potential intruders in a community. Aside from this, the community feels less “watched” by a security team while the same protection is offered.
Security Equipment
Along with security services, we can provide simple access control systems as well as a full range of high-tech, computer-controlled access systems for your property and premises. This depends on the environment you are trying to protect and control.
These access control systems include:
- Gate computers
- SOS systems
- Golf carts (for roving patrols)
- Camera systems
- Portal gatehouses
- Gate arms
- Barcode readers
- Burglar alarms
If you’re not sure what it is that you need in order to secure your space, we’re able to assist you in carrying out a security risk assessment.
Security Consulting
You may be looking for more security but aren’t quite sure what you need. This is where our years of experience lend a hand. Inter State Security will be able to do a full assessment of your property and advise on the best direction to take in order to offer you the most safety. Through a comprehensive analysis of your property, or problem area we can make suggestions to lower your risk. Whether it be heightened security equipment that is needed or security personnel to act as a deterrent, we can customize our protection services to suit your needs.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive security control service, look no further. Inter State Security offers all that you need to take care of your business and personal security needs, from your community to your offices. You may not know where to start, but our experienced security consulting team does.