A school’s primary focus is to educate its students. To do this effectively, they need to have school security measures in place that create a safe environment for the learners and staff. These security measures may include access control, surveillance and monitoring, communication, education, and training, as well as safety procedures and policies.
Here are ten simple things that you can do to elevate the security of your school.
Security Tip #1 – Limit Access to The School
Limit entry and exit points to the school. One working gate for staff, students, and visitors is ideal. Lock the gate between the rush of arrival time and the end of school each day. Check the unused entrances during the day for signs of tampering. Check any windows that are close to the perimeter of the school property for signs of tampering too.
Security Tip #2 – Visitor Logs
Create an authorization procedure for visitors to the school. Make it compulsory for all visitors to sign in and leave their details. Each visitor should be given a badge to wear which enables them to be identified by security and makes unwelcome visitors easy to spot. Allowing anyone access to the school is a potentially dangerous thing to do.
Learners should follow a similar protocol if they need to leave early. Put checks in place to ensure that they only leave with their legitimate caregivers.
Security Tip #3 – Disaster Drills
In the event of a fire, a natural disaster, or a criminal attack against the school, specific alarms and predetermined drills should be established and practiced. Teachers need to be well-versed in the different alarms and what they warn of, and the safety protocols for each situation. Evacuation routes and assembly points should be decided on, documented, and practiced.
Security Tip #4 – Hire A Security Guard
Hiring a uniformed security guard gives a visible security presence that acts as a deterrent to crime. Security guards can monitor the entrance to the school, the activity in the parking lot, and keep a watchful eye during special events.
Security Tip #5 – Light Up Dark Areas
Lighting is often overlooked as a school safety feature. Dark areas can be more prone to causing falls, bullying, or other forms of violence. Avoid trouble in these areas by installing motion-sensor lights.
Security Tip #6 – Install Surveillance Cameras
Common areas such as playgrounds, hallways, and cafeterias can be monitored with digital security camera surveillance equipment. This serves a double purpose of being able to keep an eye on what’s going on in each area, as well as being a deterrent. Knowing they’re being watched is enough to make people think twice before doing something wrong.
Security Tip #7 – Book A Security Assessment
Inter State Security offers comprehensive threat and risk security assessments that will look for weaknesses in your school’s security systems. They will check the perimeter and buildings for physical vulnerabilities, but they will also assess your security procedures and advise you on more effective security measures.
Security Tip #8 – Two-way Communication
Classrooms should have a way to communicate with the office, the same way that the office communicates with the classrooms. For security emergencies, two-way communication is vital.
Security Tip #9 – Not in Use? Lock It Up
All rooms and areas on the school property should be locked when not in use, with no exception for trespassing. Locking up vacant spaces will prevent them from being used in ways that would compromise security.
Security Tip #10 – Anonymous Reporting
Set up a system where students can safely, and anonymously report anything that would pose a security risk to the school, their fellow students, or the staff. These tip-offs would need to be treated with the utmost confidence to protect the one reporting from suffering backlash.
School Security – A Team Effort
The most effective school security is a combination of policies and procedures put in place by a school, supported by the knowledge and experience of a security company. Inter State Security offers free security assessments and can provide you with a security plan.
If you’d like a partner in keeping the children and staff of your school safe, contact us at Broward (954) 753-4700, Palm Beach (561) 732-1380, or Miami-Dade (305) 949-1142.