A security guard is the first line of defense between potential security risks. To do their job well involves much more than just being a security presence. It also requires them to stay informed and be aware at all times.
How Important Is Information For Security Guards?
Different types of information help a security guard to be effective in fulfilling his duties to the community that he oversees. A security guard without access to vital information is operating at a distinct disadvantage, which has a direct negative impact on the people and property in his care.
On The Job Information
Inter State security guards are extensively trained in protocols and methodsof dealing with and deterring situations that could pose a threat to the community. Well-trained security guards bring this knowledge with them into each circumstance that they face.
They have been taught best practices for each scenario. This guarantees that their first response to crisis will not be subjective or emotional. Rather it is a tried and proven security protocol that leads to the safest outcome.
Security guards are trained to have heightened situational awareness. This enables them to recognize risks or threats and act in ways that will pre-empt and defuse potentially dangerous situations. Additionally, this includes strange behavior from potential criminals; but also situational issues. This includes being able to smell and trace leaking gas, hear and smell compromised electrical cables, or pick up on smoke from fire. They need mental acuity to interpret what their senses pick up, and the knowledge to act accordingly.
Knowledge Of What’s Happening In The Neighborhood
For a security guard to offer the best service, they need to be aware of what’s going on in their local community. They should have a good handle on any criminal activity or patterns of crime that take place in their area. Being aware of community events or other gatherings that may create easy targets for potential criminals, helps them be prepared.
There are a number of ways they can keep up to date with what is going down in the neighborhood.
- Read the news or listening to news on local radio stations.
- Keep an eye on neighborhood social media, or crime watch groups.
- Build relationships with key people and law enforcement officers in the area.
Top Security Services Are Prepared For Worst Case Scenarios
Security guards are trained to think in worst case scenarios because this helps them to be ready for anything. This is part of what makes security services so important. They have the ability to assess each situation to determine what could go wrong, and have plans in place for each scenario. This is beneficial for three main reasons:
1. Thinking through each potential problem and settling on a course of action allows for a no-hesitation response. Quick thinking can prevent injuries and save lives.
2. Being prepared allows them to be ready to nip situations in the bud before they escalate and become harder to manage or contain.
3. Last, but not least; framing situations within the context of worst-case scenarios allows the officer to act with the appropriate level of response for less serious events.
What Could Go Wrong If Security Isn’t Prepared?
Does it really matter if a security guard is prepared for anything, or not? Some may argue that their presence alone is enough to create a safe place for residents by being a visual crime deterrent. We believe that being present but unprepared will negatively impact how a security officer performs in a crisis. This happens in the following ways:
- Slow response time. An officer who is oblivious to what is going on around them will potentially act too late; preventing harm coming to the property or people in his care.
- Being unaware of surroundings can lead to poor decisions that are made from an emotional response; rather than accurate choices that line up with standard operating practices.
- Lastly, an unprepared officer is more likely to second guess his instincts and act with a lack of confidence.
Trained Security Officers in South Florida
Our security officers are all trained to be vigilant, think ahead, and plan for every possible circumstance. Whether they are in plain clothes or uniformed; our officers will meet your needs. Contact us today to find out more about the important aspects of a professional security company; and how our services will help you.